Construction of the School of Nursing Building

Participate in building the future

Today's students and students to come are the main stakeholders for U-M's first ever building designed for nursing education. In planning this building, UMSN sought to create spaces students need to practice, research, engage, learn, and succeed. Key features include active learning classrooms with built-in information technology, inviting nooks and crannies for individual or group study sessions, and a dedicated floor for the clinical learning center, designed not only with simulation mannequins and skills labs, but also to look and feel like a hospital or health care center, with simulated patient suites.

The more than 75,000-square-foot structure, just north of the 400 North Ingalls Building, is Gold LEED-certified. Opened in September 2015, classrooms, student services, the Undergraduate Studies Program Office, and some faculty offices are now located in the building. The balance of faculty and administrative offices remain in the 400 North Ingalls Building.

UMSN continues to invest in the building and the nursing education it promises. Equipping and maintaining learning spaces to their full potential requires information technology and ancillary expenses. In addition, UMSN projects growth in academic and research programs, student enrollment, and faculty positions. Supporting this growth and empowering our approach to collaborative health education is filled with exciting opportunities for donor participation. 

If you would like to make an impact toward creating a healthier world, we want to talk with you about the future of nursing at the University of Michigan. You may give online or contact Colleen Zimmerman, director of Development, U-M School of Nursing to learn more.


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Spaces and features of the building

200 seat Lecture/Small Group Hall
  • Large tiered classroom; 4,278 sq. ft.
  • 2 tiers per level
  • 2 rows of fixed tables per tier
  • Power at the tables
  • Movable seating for small group work
  • Handicap access
  • Sound lock vestibule
  • 3 projection screens
250 seat Conference Center
  • Flat floor, adaptable, movable tables/chairs; 4,083 sq. ft.
  • Ideal for conferences, student events as well as class lecture and small group work
  • Divisible by sky wall for (2) 60 seat rooms with technology at each table, or divisible for (2) 125 seat rooms with tables/chairs configured in rows
Media Learning Center
  • Total of 5,594 sq. ft. across 2 rooms
  • (1) 100 seat room and (1) 80 seat room
  • Fixed tables with movable seating
  • Provides an integrated furniture and media solution
  • Designed to enable people to connect and collaborate quickly and seamlessly
  • Ideal for lecture and small group breakout work
Clinical Learning Center
  • 6 simulation rooms
  • Nursing skills lab
  • Physical assessment lab
  • Standardized patient suite (4 rooms total)
  • Task training room
  • Debriefing rooms
  • Master control room to observe any in-progress simulation or learning activities
  • Anatomy lab
  • Interaction space for 15-20 people
  • Staff suite
Student Services
  • Workstations for student services staff members
  • Office and conference room space for academic deans and directors
  • Proctor rooms for test taking
  • Interaction space for students and for less formal meetings between academic administration personnel and students
Faculty offices
  • Offices for faculty
  • Transient/"drop in" office space for day use (for faculty teaching in the new facility but regular office space elsewhere, or visiting speakers)
  • Conference rooms
  • Business center and interaction space for faculty and student collaboration

Construction timeline of 426 N. Ingalls

Design approvalJuly 19, 2012The U-M Board of Regents approve design and release architect RDG Planning and Design's rendering of the building's exterior. Authorization of all additional planning documents completed.
Groundbreaking CeremonyApril 5, 2013

Approximately 200 attended ceremonial ground-breaking for construction. Speakers from UMSN included Dean Kathleen Potempa, Dean's Advisory Council member Gail Warden, U-M President Mary Sue Coleman and nursing student representative Chris Plampin. U-M President Mary Sue Coleman also spoke.

Final approvalApril 18, 2013The U-M Board of Regents authorize issuing of bids and awarding of construction contracts. Full approval for the project to move into its construction phase.
Building/slope mass excavationNovember 22, 2013Area cleared and trees protected. Mechanically stabilized embankment (MSE) slope and building mass excavation begins, along with utility infrastructure work.
Slope and foundationMarch 2014See photos as crews work on the slope and foundation.
Stairwells to steel frame and moreMarch-July 2014Crews erect three concrete stairwells, tie the building in to the water main, and connect to the power grid. They work on the steel frame, concrete composite deck floors, fireproofing, exterior studs, vapor barrier and sheathing.
Topping CeremonyAugust 20, 2014

Topping Ceremony with the final piece of structural steel.

Technology Sneak PeekDecember 2014UMSN’s IT team hosts an open house for the U-M community to showcase the new technology being piloted for use in the building.
Open for classesSeptember 2015The much-anticipated moment arrives!
Grand OpeningSeptember 18, 2015The School of Nursing celebrates the grand opening with a ribbon cutting, open house and alumni gala.
LEED Gold certifiedJuly 11, 2016The U.S. Green Building Council certifies the building as LEED Gold for its sustainability features.