Innovation Webinars & Podcasts


Inspire, Innovate and Impact Nursing Innovation 

Welcome to the University of Michigan School of Nursing Healthcare Innovation Impact Program's (HiiP) Nursing innovation podcast series, Inspire, Innovate, Impact, which will explore nursing innovation-related topics, provide key resources for faculty and students, and share and celebrate nurse innovator stories from both experts’ and nursing students’ points of view.

Portrait of Rhonda Schoville

Hear from an Expert on Navigating the Path Forward in Nursing Innovation & Why It’s Needed

Episode 1 is an informative discussion on nursing innovation with subject  matter expert, Dr. Rhonda Schoville. Dr. Schoville is a faculty member at the  University of Michigan School of Nursing, a nurse innovator, and an  entrepreneur who leverages her extensive expertise in various roles. Why is  she enthusiastic about you as an innovator? Tune in as she shares her hard-won insights on what nursing innovation is, and is not. On why nursing  innovation is important and needed, what skills are needed as innovators, and how to bring innovation into your nursing practice even with its barriers  and challenges? The podcast will finish with a discussion on creating a  future of nursing innovation that will help transform the face of healthcare.
Listen to Episode 1


Portrait of Linnea Brunvard, Brenna James, Hannah Slawson

Learn from a Student Nurse about her Nursing Innovation Journey (Student Innovation Ambassadors)

Episode 2 is a Students' Views podcast which includes an interview by two of HiiP’s Student Innovation Ambassadors --Hannah Slawson and Linnea Brunvand -- with Brenna James, one of the winners of the inaugural University of Michigan School of Nursing’s Innovate4Change Hackathon. In this episode, Brenna shares her story of nursing innovation as a nursing student, including when she started viewing herself as an innovator. She shares how she, and a fellow nursing student, saw a need to provide education and support for new moms and their babies at the bedside before going home in areas of high infant mortality and how they created and piloted their innovative program, Mother Nurture. She also shares updates about how and where Mother Nurture is still being used today.
Listen to Episode 2


2023 UMSN Innovation Week

Below are the recordings and presentations from the inaugural UMSN Innovation Week, as follows: 

The Inspiring, Innovating, and Impacting Nursing Innovation Speaker Panel

This webinar is featuring Lynda Benton-J&J Nursing Initiatives, Julia Cooney-Senior Healthcare Executive & UMSN Alumni and Rebecca Love-Chief Clinical Officer of IntelyCare and Founding Member of SONSIEL.  This is a powerful talk and a must listen to/watch for all nurses and nursing students. 


Empowering Nursing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Speaker Presentation

This is the Speaker presentation webinar on Empowering Nursing Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Charlene Platon, a nurse who spoke to nursing students and nurses on her journey in nursing innovation and entrepreneurship as she developed and launched Fifth Window, a digital platform that prioritizes the well-being of nurses with evidence-based tools, a community space, and a real-time wellness pulse.  An inspiring and informative talk from a nurse in the trenches whose own lived experiences led her on this innovation and entrepreneurial journey. 




Transforming the Face of Healthcare Through Nursing Innovation

This slideshow highlights the valuable nursing innovation work of 16 of our own UMSN Nurse Innovators from the UMSN Innovator Showcase held on March 22, 2023.
Download Slides