Research Day
Research Day 2023: Research and Practice in Healthcare Post-2020
April 3-4, 2023
Whether you are leading quality improvement in clinical settings, developing new knowledge to improve health outcomes, implementing strategies to address healthcare access barriers, or educating the next generation of nurses, the Covid-19 pandemic probably affected how you execute your scholarship. This year's theme invites you to rethink research, clinical practice, and scholarship post-2020. How did the pandemic affect your science, and how is Nursing uniquely positioned to advance health care for all in this new era? Join us to share your experiences and findings.
What's different about Research Day 2023?
- Research Day 2023 utilizes a hybrid format: plenary talks will be in person, while research presentations will be over Zoom
- Remote five-minute research presentations will be live, with a recorded option for undergraduate students only
- The event will take place over two full days, vs. three half-days
Research and practice in healthcare take many different forms. Whether you’re leading quality improvement projects, developing new knowledge, implementing policy or educating the next generation of nurses, your work has been affected by the dramatic political, social and cultural changes over the past three years. While the recent years have brought unimaginable healthcare challenges, we have also witnessed unprecedented innovation and adaption. Our 2023 theme invites you to think about how your research, service and practice have changed post-2020. Share your experiences and insight in to how recent events-- whether it be the COVID-19 pandemic, the fall of Roe, or escalating climate change--have shaped your science and how Nursing is poised to advance healthcare in this new decade.
Day one | Day two |
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM EST Welcome and Introductions
Zoom Room Link: | 9:00 AM – 9:30 AM EST Welcome
Zoom Room Link: |
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM EST Suzanne H. Brouse Lecture (In-Person)
Lecturer, Health Policy and Management Senior Advisor, Center for Health and Research Transformation
Zoom Room Link: | 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM EST Panel Discussion (In-Person)
Zoom Room Link: |
11:00 AM – 12:15 PM EST Break | 11:00 AM – 11:30 AM EST Break |
12:15 – 1:00 PM EST DEI Speaker (In-Person)
Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence
Zoom Room Link: | 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM EST Online Blitz Poster Presentations (Zoom) Day 2 Blitz Presentation Schedule
Zoom Room 1 Link: Zoom Room 2 Link: Zoom Room 3 Link: Zoom Room 4 Link: |
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST Break | 1:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST Break |
1:30 PM – 2:30 PM EST Online Blitz Poster Presentations (Zoom) Day 1 Blitz Presentations Schedule
Zoom Room 1 Link: Zoom Room 2 Link: Zoom Room 3 Link: Zoom Room 4 Link:
| 1:30 PM – 3:00 PM EST Table Topic Guided Networking Session (In-Person)
About Research Day
- Research Day began in 2009 as an initiative to bring together the nursing research community and to give students and faculty the opportunity to share their work
- Now an annual event, Research Day is a space for faculty, students, and healthcare professionals to present their research, hear new perspectives and form productive collaborations
- Research Day includes individual research and scholarship presentations, panel discussions, and invited speakers, including the Suzanne H. Brouse Lecture, made possible through generous donation by Suzanne H. Brouse, Ph.D., RN (BSN, 1958).
University of Michigan Health Nursing Professional Development & Education is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.
Up to 6.25 NCPD credits will be provided based on attendance.
2023 Research Day Committee Members
- Phil Veliz (Chair)
- Hala Darwish (Co-Chair)
- Sarah Stoddard (Ph.D Program Faculty Member)
- Elizabeth Duffy (DNP Program Faculty Member)
- Michelle Pardee (Master’s Program Faculty Member)
- Nadia Charania (Undergraduate Program Faculty Member)
- Patricia Coleman-Burns (DEI Faculty Representative)
- Rushika Patel (DEI Office)
- Barb Medvec (Master's/LAI/Clinical Representative)
- Mike Brinich (Communications & Marketing)
- Coreen Abston (Alumni Relations)
- Jared Whitfield (UMSN-IT)
- Dorothy Nagel (Continuing Education Liaison)
- Rob Ploutz-Snyder (Research Office)
- Thea Senger-Carpenter (Ph.D. Student Representative)
- Sandy Arena (Undergraduate Best-Presentation Award Winner, 2022)
Lecturers and panel speakers
Marianne Udow-Phillips
Marianne Udow-Phillips is the principal of Mu Consulting and a lecturer at the Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. She is also senior adviser to the Center for Health and Research Transformation at the University of Michigan and on faculty at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. In her current roles, Marianne provides strategic consulting and mentorship to advance social justice, improve population health and strengthen the effectiveness of health, public health and mental health systems.
Abdul el-Sayed
Dr. Abdul El-Sayed is a Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Foundation Policymaker in Residence at the University of Michigan's Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy. A public servant, Michigan politician, former epidemiology professor at Columbia University, and a medical doctor, Dr. El-Sayed was executive director of the Detroit Health Department and Health Officer for the city from 2015 to 2017. In 2017 he resigned as health director to run for governor of the State of Michigan.
Philip Veliz
Dr. Veliz is an Assistant Research Professor at the School of Nursing’s Applied Biostatistics Laboratory and Associate Director of the Sport, Health, and Activity Research and Policy Center. Dr. Veliz’s research primarily involves examining large-scale secondary data sets to assess adolescent substance use, health, and participation in organized sports. As a data analyst, Dr. Veliz has published extensively using data sets like the Monitoring the Future, Youth Risk Behavior Survey, and Office of Civil Rights Data Collection and continues to work with new and existing secondary data sources that focus on substance use and health. Dr. Veliz is currently co-investigator on several NIH funded projects assessing prescription drug use, cigarette, and e-cigarette use using data from the Monitoring the Future, National Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Related Conditions-III, and Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health.
Sean Esteban McCabe
Dr. McCabe is an internationally recognized scholar in the areas of epidemiology of substance use disorders, prescription medication use and misuse, sexual orientation, and survey methodology. He has clinical experience treating adolescents, young adults, and adults with substance use disorders. He is the Director of the Center for the Study of Drugs, Alcohol, Smoking and Health (DASH Center) in the School of Nursing at the University of Michigan. Dr. McCabe was the Associate Editor for an addiction journal and regularly reviews grant applications for several organizations including Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Education, National Institutes of Health, and William T. Grant Foundation. He previously served as the Acting Director of the University of Michigan Substance Abuse Research Center and Office of Student Conflict Resolution. He has been the recipient of three NIH research awards. He has been a principal investigator of twelve NIH-funded projects, participating investigator on a number of NIH-funded projects and authored or co-authored over 250 peer-reviewed articles. Dr. McCabe is a grateful person in long-term recovery from alcohol and opioid use disorder. He works diligently to help others struggling with addiction and strives to be a resource for those seeking recovery.
Barbara Medvec
Dr. Medvec’s scholarship explores the relationship of nurse manager practice environment and the implementation leadership behaviors of nurse managers in supporting nursing staff use of evidence-based practice. Her experiences include healthcare and system executive and nursing leadership. Dr. Medvec’s interests include leadership, practice innovation, workforce vitality, burnout, value-based care, ambulatory/continuum of care, strategic, digital learning and transformation to practice. She provides support for chief nursing officers in organizational design, transformational leadership and nursing excellence. She values, as a nursing leader and faculty member, the importance of facilitating the transformational changes that should occur with graduate and doctoral level learning. Dr. Medvec believes that it is her role to assist students and colleagues in continuous improvement and ongoing learning.
Jody Lori
Dr. Lori’s program of research contributes to the design and testing of innovative models of care to improve maternal and newborn health in areas of the world challenged by a lack of human resources, long distances to care, and cultural, gender, and socio-economic barriers. The design of the interventions utilizes a human rights framework to tackle the intractable problems of preventable maternal and newborn death through strengthening health systems and influencing reproductive health policy. Her research has contributed to the development of models of care to reduce the burden of maternal and newborn mortality on individuals, their families, and society through a program of participatory action research in low-resource countries
Christopher Friese
Dr. Christopher R. Friese is a national authority in measuring and improving the quality of cancer care delivery. Over his career, he has led pivotal studies to develop and test strategies to improve outcomes of high-risk care. His research findings were among the first to establish a significant relationship between favorable nurse practice environments and lower surgical mortality. With over 100 peer-reviewed publications, Dr. Friese’s research findings have informed clinical practice guidelines, and state and federal health policy. Dr. Friese spent 2016-2017 as a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Health Policy Fellow in the United States Senate. A clinical expert in hematological malignancies and advanced cancers, Dr. Friese continues to practice as a staff nurse at the University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center. In 2021, the President appointed Dr. Friese to a six-year term on the National Cancer Advisory Board, which sets national cancer research policy.
2021 Research Day recap
Read more about the 2021 event, exploring ‘Avenues of Impact’ in a virtual format.
2019 Research Day recap
Read more about the 2019 event, focused on innovation at the interface of knowledge development and equitable care.
2018 Research Day recap
This event focused on the Science of Nursing Education.
2017 Research Day recap
Read more about the 2017 event, focused on the science of addiction, from risks to recovery.
2016 Research Day recap
Read more about the 2016 event, which kicked off a three-day U-M School of Nursing Symposium on Global Health: 125 Years of Research and Impact.
2015 Research Day recap
Read more about the 2015 Dean's Research Day activities and poster winners and view photos.
2014 Research Day recap
2014 DRD focused on "Learning on the Edge of Discovery."
2013 Research Day recap
2013 Dean's Research Day events, photos and poster winners.