Pride, joy and tears at 2017 Convocation

Graduates at the University of Michigan School of Nursing’s (UMSN) Saturday, May 29th convocation ceremony were filled with nervous pride as they filled Hill Auditorium to be recognized for their hard work, newly-earned diplomas, and the change of professional status their graduation brings.

The event was live-streamed, and a recording is available on the school's YouTube channel.  

Lori Pierce, MD, Vice Provost for Academic and Faculty Affairs as well as professor in the Medical School, addressed the graduates first. 

“Nursing is a crucial profession, fundamental to our common future,” she said. 

Dean of the school, Patricia Hurn PhD, RN, also addressed the graduates, noting the important role they will now play as alumni of the School of Nursing.

“You are always a part of the school. We want you to return, and to remember those who come after you,” Dean Hurn said.  

The Alumni Society announced that it had awarded 200 scholarships this year, indicating the strong level of alumni support for current students.

The BSN Class of 2017 announced its class gift: an endowed fund for students scholarships.

Barbara Freeland, DNP, ACNS-BC, CDE, RN, clinical assistant professor, was recognized with the Mae Edna Doyle Teacher of the Year award for her careful and engaged mentoring of students through her clinical teaching.

Doctoral awards were presented first, with emotional moments between student and mentor as the new graduates were hooded. Anne McLeod provided remarks as the doctoral student representative. 

“The school has made us better,” she stated.  

Master’s students followed, after remarks by Master’s student representative Leyla Berry who noted that none of the graduates would have gotten through without the support of the families, communities, and faculty mentors.  

BSN students made up the majority of the graduating class, and as they crossed the stage proud audience members, holding flowers for their graduates, cheered and whooped. More than a few parents and graduates wiped away happy tears.  

The ceremony was emceed by Ellen Smith, PhD, APRN, AOCN, FAAN, director of the PhD program, and Dean Hurn closed the event with a congratulations for all and a hearty “go blue!” 

Photos from the event will be posted as soon as available. Check back soon!