Dean Potempa Begins Second Year as Wall Street Journal Health Expert

Your comments welcome on posts about pediatric, primary, and palliative care.

UMSN Dean Kathleen Potempa, Ph.D., RN, FAAN, is answering tough health care questions again. The last week of February was host to 2014's first roundtable of Wall Street Journal health experts: two dozen prestigious leaders from hospital administration, medical education, business, nonprofits, philanthropy, and other sectors. 

As the sole representative for nursing, Dean Potempa repeatedly steered discussions back to the needs of patients, families, and caregivers, as well as to the health of the U.S. health system as a whole.

Everyone can join the discussion. Click on the questions below to read Dean Potempa's responses (excerpted after each question), and to comment if you choose to:

Read all of Dean Potempa's WSJ posts; follow her on Twitter at @KathleenPotempa.