Undergraduate Honors Students Present Poster Session

On April 15, the School of Nursing's senior honor students and their faculty mentors presented a poster session that developed out of their final paper project. Students and their posters were as follows:

  • Katrina N. Allen – "The interdisciplinary influence of nursing research: Examining journal articles using a model generated by nursing research"
  • Jennifer Fleming – "Comparison of two physical activity questionnaires for healthy elderly and elderly patients with COPD"
  • Jessica Kopicki – "A pilot study of virtual simulation in senior nursing students"
  • Bo Hwa Lee – "Physical activity and functional ability of older adults with peripheral vascular disease"
  • Kelly F. Leja – "Literature review of decision making of newly diagnosed adults facing cancer treatment"
  • Emily McCallister – "Use of behavior modification to maintain physical activity in older adults with type II diabetes"
  • Kristen Oltersdorf – "Relationship between beliefs self-efficacy, mobility impairment and physical activity in older adults"
  • Kari Overstreet – "Sexual risk event history calendar: Gender differences in adolescent-provider communication"
  • Anneke M. Stadt – "The influence of women's symptoms and age on timing of initial emergency department electrocardiogram"
  • Miranda Stoddard – "Family and peer influences on the use of marijuana in adolescence"
  • Bethany Thelen – "Pretreatment mood states in women newly diagnosed with breast cancer: A life-stage perspective"